Publications and Presentations

Holmes, D. & Kortum, P. (2014). Checking your answers: An investigation of DRE                       review screen design. Poster presented at Southwestern Regional Human                       Factors and Ergonomics Society Conference, College Station, TX. [pdf]

Holmes, D. & Kortum, P. (2013). Vote-By-Phone: Usability Evaluation of an IVR                          Voting System.  Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics                                Society, Santa Monica, CA: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. [pdf]

Holmes, D. (2013). Vote-By-Phone: Usability of an IVR Voting System with Adjustable               Audio Speed (Master’s Thesis). Rice University, Houston, TX. [pdf]

Holmes, D. & Kortum, P. (2012). IVR voting system usability. Paper presented at 9th                  Houston Human Factors and Ergonomics Conference, Houston, TX.

Holmes, D. & Kortum, P. (2012). Effects of voice type on performance. Paper presented             at Southwestern Psychological Association Conference, Oklahoma City, OK.

Holmes, D. & Kortum, P. (2011). Usability of IVR voting systems. Poster presented at                 2nd Texas Regional Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Conference,                      Clearlake, TX.